Monday, July 26, 2010

God, Humanity, Infinity

Whether or not you believe in God, you would probably agree that one of God’s characteristics would have to be that It is infinite, without beginning, end or limitation. There must be nowhere and nothing in the universe or any of its dimensions that is not God. So what does that say about humanity?

We are the finite part of the story. Note the word play: the finite is literally in the in-finite. It is our manifestation as human that we (God) experience birth, life, sickness, triumph, failure, death and all the rest of our finite aspect. We are the infinite experiencing the finite. God is the yin yang, a whole encompassing both the finite and the infinite.

Which all boils down to the truth that We are God. We are infinite yet as human we experience the finite, the defining characteristic of which is separation. Genesis 1:2 says that the universe began "without form, and void." It was all one in its emptiess but our created uniferse is diverse, with trillions and trillions of separate animate and inanimate, intelligent and non-intelligent forms.

And the beginning for that diversity came when God (which we are) said “Let there be light.” The light (knowing) is God, the dark (unknowing) is what we (God) experience as mortal creatures. This is the way that an eternal infinte being can know what it is like to live with limitation and death. As Shaesperre siad: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.…”

Life is but a dream. And we are God playing hide and seek with oursevles.